L'objectiu de l'Educació és formar éssers aptes per a governar-se a ells mateixos, i no per a ser governats pels demés. Herbert Spencer

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012


My name is Ana and I’m 23 years old. I live in Eivissa with my parents in a little flat. I’m working in a shop selling luggage, handbags and other accessories, for example, belts, hairbands or wallets.

In my leisure time, I like going to the cinema, listening to music, reading a book and being with my friends and my nephews.

I decided to study this course because I always liked teaching and children. When I was little, at school, I liked to help my classmates with their lessons or homework. I love, especially little children and I think it is the best stage in life to teach.


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